October 13, 2008

general cornwall tanner

I'm watching Full House. Its the episode with the Three's Company theme song ("the thing and the thing and the bike!"). You know the one (Dr. Everything'll-be-alright...). Its kind of a weird episode, Michelle buys the donkey. Anyway, at the beginning they're all bitching about how its a 90 degree day and its so hot and where's the lemonade yet they're all wearing pants and long sleeves. Except the children, who are in various matching sets and weird bathing suit leotards.Who, you'll notice, haven't commented on the heat. Why? Because they are dressed appropriately! I am as outraged as you are.

This brings me to my next thought which is that 90210 would do well to feature John Stamos having an affair with Lori Laughlin. How fawesome would that be?? The whole world would watch that. It'd be like Luke and Laura, or so they'll say. That show needs something. It is so far inferior to Gossip Girl, it would do well to be the anti-GG. Cheesy, kitschy, tongue-in-cheek... Idk. I really want it to be as good as I pretend it is so that I keep watching. Good luck and godspeed, 90210. And Uncle Jesse. It could be your key to the universe.

1 comment:

eyanharve said...

Really very nice blog and thanks for sharing useful information.
- St Austell