April 14, 2009

Breaking Dawn, briefly.

Ok, I know. I suck at blogging lately. I've got to come up with a way to fit it into my routine, because work is rarely slow enough for bloggery anymore.

As you might imagine, I don't remember as much about Breaking Dawn as I did after I read it. Its been a few months. This is why I must form a blogging schedule. Or start writing things down as I read. Or both.

I felt that Breaking Dawn was the least terrible of the four, just because it was a much quicker read because things actually happened aside from Bella thinking about stuff. Also we get Jacob as a narrator for a while and the break from Bella was much appreciated by me. While more interesting it still lacked action. Buildup with no payoff. I won't ruin the ending but I can tell you I was sort of excited, wondering what was going to happen and then....Meyer tricked me!! She made it seem like it wasn't going to be her same old boring stupid crap and then it IS her same old boring stupid crap.

I still don't understand why anyone likes these books. I found nothing about the story interesting. Its the lamest vampires ever meeting up with the lamest person in the world, Bella. They were frustratingly repetitive when it came to word usage. I'm very glad to finally be done with the series and am now embarking on my quest to figure out what people do like about it. There are quite a few folks I do not consider stupid, and yet they've told me that they like the books. I must pick their brains.

Coming up! Mini-review of Lies My Teacher Told Me by James Loewen.

Currently reading...A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson.

Just finished...Wonder Woman by Jodi Picoult!

1 comment:

Beefy Muchacho said...

Okay... In short what I like:

1) Vampires, lame or not, are awesome. A lame vampire is still a bajillion times cooler than a regular human being, or Jacob Black. (Though, an actually cool werewolf would give a lame vampire a run)

2) In theory, the story itself is good. I can get behind the concept. You are correct that the execution was clumsier than Blind Scott MacIntyre during a dance montage.

3) Um... Vampires are cool?

Yeah, not much, but the vampire thing really does carry much weight with me. I also think that if given to a good writer, using the exact same plot, it could be great.